Generosity Is Here!
Ambition Is Here!
Nesting Is Here!
Community Is Here!
The new single from Chris Swan is here!
I had a friend in college who always used to say "No man is an island." I mean, he said it all the time. And even though we used to make fun of him for it, we knew he was right. A life lived in isolation is sure to be a life of misery. We need people. We need community. I wrote this song to remind us all how true this is.
Community is Principle #7 in my 12 Core Principles to a happy and fulfilled life.
Perseverance Is Here!
The new single from Chris Swan is here!
This year I am releasing a new song every month. Each song represents one of 12 core principles I have found to be the key to a happy and fulfilling life. Perseverance is the 6th principle and my single for June. It's also the hardest principle to spell. :) It is fitting that it is halfway through the year because it is all about seeing things through to the end.
It's a simple, quirky song that I hope inspires people to never give up. Home is always just one more step away!
Believe Is Here!
The new single from Chris Swan is here!
If we want to achieve anything in life, we need to stop being so cynical. We need to allow ourselves to believe in something. I have lived on both sides of this principle and found nothing but misery while being cynical.
Once I chose to believe in possibility, everything changed. I want this for others who dream of changing their lives. If that sounds familiar, then this song was written for you!
Serve Is Here!
The new single from Chris Swan is here!
This year I am releasing a new song every month. Each song represents one of 12 core principles I have found to be the key to a happy and fulfilling life. Abundance was the first, Gratitude the second, Acceptance the third and now comes the fourth principle - Serve.
A life dedicated to serving others does so much for us. It makes us feel helpful, it brings us joy and it makes the world a better place. I'm excited to share this fourth principle with a pop-influenced hip-hop song that is beat heavy, catchy and sure to bring some joy your life!
Acceptance Is Here!
The new single from Chris Swan is here!
This is the year of change and Acceptance is the third single in a series of "mindset-changing" songs by inspirational hip-hop artist Chris Swan. This song is based on the 12 core principles that Swan believes is the cure for depression and anxiety. The first being Abundance, the second Gratitude and now the third is Acceptance. Once we learn to accept the people around us and the situations we find ourselves in, the sooner we will find peace. We can't change other people. We can only change ourselves. This song is an upbeat hip-hop anthem for practicing acceptance in our every day lives!
Gratitude Is Here!
The new single from Chris Swan is here!
This is the year of change and Gratitude is the second single in a series of "mindset-changing" songs by inspirational hip-hop artist Chris Swan. The song has a banging beat, a catchy sing-a-long hook, and clean, inspiring lyrics reminding us to focus on all the blessings in our life. Everything we want is right in front of us, we just have to choose to see it by practicing gratitude!
Abundance Is Here!
The new single from Chris Swan is here!
Abundance is Chris Swan's first single of 2019 from Soul Motivation Records. The song was written to help us start the year with the right mindset. If we are thankful for what we have and we believe God will provide what we need, then there's no need to worry. There's plenty to go around when you are living abundantly!
You're Rich! (And You Don't Even Know It)
You are rich. Did you know that? Like filthy, stinking rich. If you live indoors, you're rich. If you have a bed to sleep on at night, you're rich. If you can afford heat in your home, you're rich. If you have indoor plumbing, you're rich. If you ate today, you're rich. If you have a dollar in your pocket, you're rich. Your one-bed apartment is a palace! You live in a mansion! Did you know that?
There are millions of people in the world who have no home, no bed, no heat, no food, no dollar.
That makes you one of the elite. You are wealthy. Somehow along the way through all of life's struggles, you have forgotten that. We all do. We are constantly wanting for what we don't have, yet we have so much already. More than we could ever use. If you want to feel rich, learn to be content with what you have. Your life is amazing and you don't even know it. You are free. You are fed. You are warm. You are rich.
You are a king or a queen. Ruling from on high, waving your expensive bus pass for all to see, dining on only the best foods that Shop 'N Save has to offer. You are entertained nightly by this exclusive club called Netflix that you watch on your magic movie screen that you have right in your house! And when you have had enough of all your luxuries, your private room awaits with a fluffy, warm bed only fit for royalty and you get to drift off to thoughts of the amazing life you get to live.
So take a minute to truly appreciate the amazing life you have. Look around at all your riches and be thankful. But remember to rule on high with compassion and love. Never forget the ones who don't have these things. Help those who are less fortunate. Be generous with all that you have. And you may just start to truly appreciate the extravagant life you get to live!