Believe: The New Single From Chris Swan Coming Soon
Try Again by Aaliyah
It's been a long time, I shouldn't have left you without a dope beat to step to.
I have always loved this song. Mainly because it's just a dope song with a dope Timbaland beat. But as I grow older and wiser, I've been looking more at the message in the songs I like. This is a great, classic message. If at first you don't succeed, brush yourself off and try again. Yes, this song is talking about a relationship because, you know, all popular songs have to talk about love. But the hook and the message is still clear and can be applied to whatever you are trying to achieve. Success takes hard work. Everybody fails. But the people who win are the ones who never give up. So if you ever have a day where you are thinking about giving up, just hit play and listen.
Dust yourself off and try again.
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You Can't Stop Me by Andy Mineo
Are you ready to get pumped?!
Sometimes you need a song that wakes you up, gets you pumped and reminds you of everything you are capable of. This is one of those songs! Right from the very first "you can't stop me"you feel ready to conquer the world! And this song is not just a fluffy feel-good anthem, it is chalk full of lyrical mastery and phenomenal rhythmic delivery. Andy Mineo is the real deal delivering a great message with skills that could compete with any of the masters out there today. And best of all, Andy is saying something we all need to hear. We truly can accomplish just about anything in our lives with enough focus and tenacity.
So whenever you are starting to feel defeated, just hit play on this Andy Mineo classic and be reminded that no one can stop you!
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Break My Stride by Matthew Wilder
I love the 80's! I had some of my best years in the 80's. Growing up, wearing parachute pants, french rolling my jeans. Ok, don't ask to see any pictures. But some of my favorite music is from the 80's. There was so much color and life in the music then. So much optimism and hope. And even though the production was kind of cheesy sometimes, the message was great. And this one is no exception.
"Break My Stride" is a song performed by American artists Matthew Wilder. It was released in 1983 as the lead single from his debut album, I Don't Speak the Language, and became a major hit single for him in 1983 and 1984.
If you need to be reminded of how awesome you are today, just the way you are, this is the song to do it. Don't break your stride baby!
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You Are The Universe by The Brand New Heavies
Oh man. I just recently discovered this gem of positivity while exploring some music on Spotify. How have I not heard this song before? This song is so great. Such a great positive message supported by an infectious groove. And such a great hook. I cannot stop singing "You are the universe!"
"You Are the Universe" is a song by The Brand New Heavies, released in 1997. The song charted at number twenty-one in the UK. This song is such a jam. Happy and groovy this song could make Darth Vader feel good on a bad day!
Listen, enjoy and smile while you picture Darth Vader dancing to this song! You're welcome.
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Lovely Day by Bill Withers
Sometimes you just need someone to remind you that today is a great day. It is so easy to get caught up in the hustle of everyday life. And it's even easier to get caught up in the negativity of those around you. I have been miserable on the most beautiful, sunny days. I may be out driving around, running errands, and just whining the whole time about traffic. But if somehow I can remind myself to take 2 seconds and look up from my clenched grip at 10 and 2, I see the sun, the grass, the people. All the good stuff that was there the whole time and I realize it is actually a lovely day!
Coming in at #10 on our 10 Greatest Songs That Help list (Click here to get the free PDF), "Lovely Day" is a song by American soul and R&B singer Bill Withers. Written by Withers and Skip Scarborough, it was released on December 21, 1977 and appears on Withers' 1978 album Menagerie. This song just reeks of happiness and choosing to make the day a lovely one.
Bill Withers is wise. Bill Withers is right. It is a Lovely Day!
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